Compagnie Royale des Chasseurs-Carabiniers de Thuin

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The Royal Company of "Chasseurs Carabiniers de Thuin" is "probably" the oldest folk society in Thuin. It was founded on 1 March 1868 for the purpose of "devotion and charity" following a serious fire at Thuin, which caused the death of several people. It then bore the name "Chasseurs Pompiers Volontaires de la Ville Basse". She fought the fire and other calamities to the creation of municipal firefighters. The company takes part in marches and parades folk, proudly dressed in the uniform of "Chasseurs Carabiniers Belges" from 1848. Since its founding, the company has always participated in the Marche Militaire Saint Roch, serving as an escort to carry the statue of the great saint, or his name, formerly of "Firemen of the Cure."

With approximately 120 members, the company lives intensely and continues to grow. A clique consists of a drum - Staff, drums and bugles before a phalanx of musical quality, followed by the flag, his escort and platoons of riflemen.